Data Extension

Create Data Extension in Marketing Cloud

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In the previous article, you learned how to access Data extension from Email studio and Audience builder/Contact builder. Let’s Navigate to Data extensions from Email Studio for Creation of Sample Data extension.

Navigation: Click on Email Studio and select Email from the Dropdown. After Selecting Emails then navigate to Subscribers dropdown and click on Data Extensions.

Based on your role in the Marketing cloud you will have the ability to view available Data extensions or create Data Extensions by using create a button on the top right corner. You can see the screenshot below for visualization purposes.

Click on Create and Select Standard Data extension for time being and let us fill other details such as Creation Method(Create from New), Name(Desired Value) and Description(Brief explanation/purpose of Data extension). Mark the Is Sendable field as true as this will help us in sending emails from this data extension. You could mark Is testable field as true if you want to use this data extension for testing purposes.

You can also create a campaign and associate this data extension as well but for this demo, we are skipping that step. Click on Next and you will be on the Data Retention policy page and by default, the value will be off. You can click the Retention setting to On and it will give you multiple options to decide on the number of days the data has to be retained. You can move on to the next step by clicking on the Next button and this will bring up Fields Page. Marketing Cloud provides you with various Field types such as Text, Number, Date, Boolean, EmailAddress, Phone, Decimal, and Locale.

Click on the below link to understand more about different data types in Marketing cloud.

Note: Date values generated by the Marketing Cloud use Central Standard Time

You have to select a Primary key on one of the fields and you can also select nullable against any field(other than Primary key field) if you expect the value to be Null. Optionally you can also set a default value against any desired field. Select the desired field from Send Relationship dropdown on Fields page before clicking on the Create button. Click Create button to complete the creation of Data extension in the Marketing Cloud. You will be redirected to the available Data extensions page and validate if the Data extension that you created exists in the List.

We have Successfully Created Data Extension with various field types. In the next article, we will understand various ways to populate Sample data in Data extensions.

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